AFCardKeySDK Test Steps

Getting Started

Additional documentation on how to implement the AFCardKeySDK methods can be found at: Argofire Sdk Documentation

1. Create client session ID:

Important: Implement this method only on Server-side

CreateClientSessionID method should be called from Server-side so that ClientSessionID can be returned or embedded in the page to process next step. This below test is implemented on the client-side only for demo/testing purposes.

Attribute Type Required Description
Username String Yes The username of the admin user.
Password String Yes The password of the admin user.
Vendor Int Yes The numerical Vendor/Merchant key.
HttpStatusCode‌ Message‌ Reason‌
200‌ Success‌ Client Session ID is created successfully.
400‌‌ Failed‌‌ Invalid request.
404‌ Failed‌ Endpoint‌ ‌address‌ ‌is‌ ‌incorrect‌ ‌or‌ ‌bad‌

If the request is successful you should see the Client Session Id code in the last text area, else you will see a popup with error message

Merchant assigned Username.
Enter Password.

2. Get Token

GetToken request should be implemented only on client-side and should have the following hosted fields on browser.
If the request is successful you should see the CcKeyInfo in the last text field, else you will see a popup with error message

Set Client Session Id received in GetClientSessionID request.

3. Process Credit Card

Important: Implement this method only on Server-side

ProcessCreditCard request should be called from Server-side. And this below test is implemented here on the client-side is only for demo/testing purposes.

Attribute Type Required Description
Username String Yes The username of the admin user.
Password String Yes The password of the admin user.
TransType String Yes Type of transaction.
Amount String Yes Enter amount.
InvNum String No The associated invoice number.
CVNum Int No CVNum.
ExtData String No ExtData should include CcInfoKey. For example: <CC_Info_Key>618704</CC_Info_Key>
HttpStatusCode‌ Message‌ Reason‌
200‌ Success‌ Successfully processed the transaction.
400‌‌ Failed‌‌ Invalid request.
404‌ Failed‌ Endpoint‌ ‌address‌ ‌is‌ ‌incorrect‌ ‌or‌ ‌bad‌

If the request is successful you should see the PNRef in the last text field, else you would see a alert of error

Merchant assigned Username.
Enter Password.