
Click here for a complete list of operations.


Retrieves card transaction details for a merchant.
Required parameters are in bold.
UserNameRequired: User Name
PasswordRequired: Password
RPNumRequired query field: The merchant's RP Number, the query will be run against this merchant's account.
PNRefOptional query field: The unique identifier (assigned by the payment server) for a transaction. If this field is provided, at most only one transaction matching this PNRef will be returned. All other query fields will be ignored when using PNRef to query the system.
BeginDtOptional query field: The begin date of the date range in MM/DD/YYYY format. This date will be converted to MM/DD/YYYYT00:00:00:0000AM
EndDtOptional query field: The end date of the date range in MM/DD/YYYY format. This date will be converted to MM/DD/YYYYT12:59:59:9999PM
PaymentTypeOptional query field: If provided, only those transactions matching the PaymentType will be included.
Valid values are
  • 'ACH'
  • 'DEBIT'
  • 'EBT'
  • 'ECHECK'
  • 'SETTLE'
  • 'VERIFY'

  • Or any permutation of the above values, e.g. "'DEBIT','EBT'" will pull all transactions with either DEBIT and EBT payment type.
ExcludePaymentTypeOptional query field: If provided, any transaction matching the ExcludedPaymentType will be exlucded.
TransTypeOptional query field: If provided, only those transactions matching the TransType will be included.
Valid values are
  • 'Authorization'
  • 'Capture'
  • 'Credit'
  • 'ForceCapture'
  • 'GetStatus'
  • 'PostAuth'
  • 'Purged'
  • 'Receipt'
  • 'RepeatSale'
  • 'Sale'
  • 'Void'
  • 'Reversal'

Or any permutation of the above values.
ExcludeTransTypeOptional query field: If provided, any transaction matching the ExcludedTransType will be exlucded.
ApprovalCodeOptional query field: If provided, only those transactions matching the Approval Code will be included.
ResultOptional query field: If provided, only those transactions matching the Result will be included. Valid values are:
  • 0 - Approved
  • Anything else is declined, if you want all the declined transactions, you should leave this field empty and use the ExcludeResult=0 instead.
ExcludeResultOptional query field: If provided, any transactions matching the ExcludedResult will be excluded.
NameOnCardOptional query field: Card holder's name, if provided, only those transactions with card holder's name matching NameOnCard will be included. Matching is done using wild card. e.g. "test" will match "test", "1test" and "1test234".
CardNumOptional query field: Card number, if provided, only those transactions with card holder's name matching CardNum will be included. Matching is done using wild card.
CardTypeOptional query field: Card Type, if provided, only those transactions matching the CardType will be included.
Valid values are
  • 'ACH'
  • 'AMEX'
  • 'DEBIT'
  • 'DINERS'
  • 'EBT'
  • 'JAL'
  • 'JCB'
  • 'VISA'

Or any permutation of the above values, e.g. "'VISA','MASTER','DISCOVER'" will pull all transactions with either VISA, MASTER and DISCOVER payment type.
ExcludeCardTypeOptional query field: If provided, any transactions matching the ExcludeCardType will be excluded.
ExcludeVoidOptional query field: Whether to exclude voided transaction, must either be TRUE or FALSE. Default is TRUE
UserOptional query field: The user who originated the transactions, if provided, only those transactions with card holder's name matching User will be included. Matching is done using wild card.
InvoiceIdOptional query field: The invoice id that was included in the original transaction. If provided, only those transactions with matching invoice Id will be included. Matching is done using wild card.
SettleFlagOptional query field: Whether the transaction was settled.
SettleMsgOptional query field: The settlement ID or Message returned from the host.
SettleDtOptional query field: The settlement timestamp.
TransformTypeOptional: Default is XML.
  • XML - output the plain XML string
  • XSL - use XSL to transform the XML output
  • DELIM - use ColDelim and RowDelim to format the output
XslOptional: This field is used only if the TransformType is "XSL". The XSL to transform the resulting dataset, if provided, the resulting dataset will be transformed using this XSL. You may pass in a URL to the XSL file, or the XSL string itself. If this field is not empty, the Web Service will try to locate the file from the URL. If that also fails, it will treat it as a XSL string. In any case, the final XSL string will be loaded and validated against the XSL schema, if it pass, then that XSL will be used for transformation.
A sample predefined XSL is included with this Web Service:
  • TabDelim.xsl
ColDelimOptional: This field is used only if the TransformType is "DELIM". This defines the string taht sepearte each column.
RowDelimOptional: This field is used only if the TransformType is "DELIM". This defines the string that separate each row.
IncludeHeaderOptional: This field is used only if the TransformType is "DELIM". If TRUE, then field headers will be included in the first row using the same delimiter strings.
ExtDataOptional: Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: IMAGE_TYPE - can be NO_IMAGE, ONLY_IMAGE, ONLY_IMAGE_INCLUDE_DATA, ALL or ALL_INCLUDE_DATA. CustomerID, Amount, RegisterNum


To test the operation using the HTTP POST protocol, click the 'Invoke' button.
Parameter Value

SOAP 1.1

The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /admin/ws/trxdetail.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetCardTrx xmlns="">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetCardTrxResponse xmlns="">


The following is a sample HTTP GET request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /admin/ws/trxdetail.asmx/GetCardTrx?UserName=string&Password=string&RPNum=string&PNRef=string&BeginDt=string&EndDt=string&PaymentType=string&ExcludePaymentType=string&TransType=string&ExcludeTransType=string&ApprovalCode=string&Result=string&ExcludeResult=string&NameOnCard=string&CardNum=string&CardType=string&ExcludeCardType=string&ExcludeVoid=string&User=string&invoiceId=string&SettleFlag=string&SettleMsg=string&SettleDt=string&TransformType=string&Xsl=string&ColDelim=string&RowDelim=string&IncludeHeader=string&ExtData=string HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string xmlns="">string</string>


The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /admin/ws/trxdetail.asmx/GetCardTrx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string xmlns="">string</string>